Commercial Refrigeration we offer a range of services to a wide range of commercial customers. Hotels, shops, restaurants, offices, pubs and clubs from installations, maintenance and repairs we are able to offer solutions to all your refrigeration needs.
We treat all our customers with equal impoartance; no matter how big or small your refrigeration problem seems contact us for an experienced and honest service.
Our repair and maintenance services cover the following refrigeration products:
- Fridges
- Freezers
- Refrigerated drinks cabinets
- Refrigerated display cabinets
- Refrigerated display counters
- Cold displays
- Ice machines
- Cold rooms
- Chillers
- Air conditioning repairs
- Air conditioning installation
- Maintenance Services
Emergency Air-conditioning, Cooling, Refrigerator, Ventilation & Refrigerator Repair
We provide various types of Air-conditioning repair & Refrigeration & Ventilation, air conditioning installation, air conditioning servicing so that means whatever your problem is you have you can sit back and relax and let us deal with it because you know you are in very good hand.
In the kitchen of nearly every home in America there is a refrigerator. Every 15 minĀutes or so you hear the motor turn on, and it magically keeps things cold. Without refrigeration, we'd be threowing out our leftovers instead of saving them for another meal.
The refrigerator is one of those miracles of modern living that totally changes life. Prior to refrigeration, the only way to preserve meat was to salt it, and iced beverages in the summer were a real luxury.
The basic idea behind a refrigerator is very simple: It uses the evaporation of a liquid to absorb heat. In this article, you'll find out how your refrigerator performs its magic based on this simple principle. We'll also look at cold packs, electronic coolers and the propane refrigerators found in RVs
Modern refrigerators use a regenerating cycle to reuse the same refrigerant over and over again. You can get an idea of how this works by again imagining our oven creature and his cup of water. He could create a regenerating cycle by taking the following four steps:
The air temperature in the oven is 400 dregrees F. The water in the cup boils away, remaining at 212 F but producing a lot of 400 F steam. Let's say the creature collects this steam in a big bag.
Once all the water boils away, he pressurizes the steam into a steel container. In the process of pressurizing it, its temperature rises to 800 F and it remains steam. So now the steel container is "hot" to the creature because it contains 800 F steam.The steel container dissipates its excess heat to the air in the oven, and it eventually falls back to 400 F. In the process, the high-pressure steam in the container condenses into pressurized water (just like the butane in a lighter -- see sidebar).
At this point, the creature releases the water from the steel pressurized container into a pot, and it immediately begins to boil, its temperature dropping to 212 F.
By repeating these four steps, the creature now has a way of reusing the same water over and over again to provide refrigeration.